Bus Vannin Consultation

Liberal Vannin welcomes the public consultation on the future delivery of services by Bus Vannin:

Review of the Bus Service – Cabinet Office of the Isle of Man Government – Citizen Space

We challenge the view inherent in the consultation that the primary focus of changes to bus services should be to ensure Bus Vannin operates at a lower government subsidy. Government policy should be to encourage greater use of bus services on the Island, with spending on buses looked at as an investment in our communities rather than a cost burden for one Department.

However, we do agree that Bus Vannin should seek strategic partnerships with the Island’s taxi and coach operators to provide more cost effective services in rural areas and for special events and activities, to make it easier for people to travel and boost attendances.

Bus Vannin should be encouraged to trial “fare free” and targeted discounted services to encourage greater take up of bus travel on the Island. All of the current discount schemes should be reviewed, with the current complex fare structure simplified for all bus users.

Community connectivity Island wide is important. It should be possible for people in villages throughout the Island to have convenient bus travel to and from important national facilities, like schools, health and care venues, the airport and sea terminal as well as our town and city centres. It should also be possible for people across the Island to access evening events, wherever they are held. Timetables should be adjusted for major events, as required, in co-operation with event organisers. Such provision should be pursued in co-operation with Island coach and taxi operators where appropriate and where identified as more cost effective.

The Department of Infrastructure should publish a service-level agreement so the public know what they should be able to expect from Bus Vannin

The Bus Vannin fleet should be replaced with electric vehicles only as and when buses are scheduled for replacement and the charging infrastructure is available.