2021 Election Year

Local Authority elections are being held on Thursday, July 22nd

Elections for Members of the House of Keys, in the general election, on Thursday, September 23rd

Would you like to help shape the future of our Island?

Are you interested in supporting your local community?

If so, Liberal Vannin would like to talk to you. You can make a difference! Stand for election as a Liberal Vannin candidate.

See our Facebook posts for both these positions:

Liberal Vannin Candidate for Commissioner / Councillor – Local Government Elections, July 22nd, 2021 in Douglas at Liberal Vannin | Facebook

Liberal Vannin Candidate for Member of the House of Keys (MHK) – General Election, September 23rd, 2021 in Douglas at Liberal Vannin | Facebook

For an informal discussion about standing for election, please contact:
Lawrie Hooper, MHK, Ramsey,
Leader, Liberal Vannin lawrie.hooper@gov.im 473478


Paul Weatherall, Chair, Liberal Vannin paul.weatherall@manx.net 479436